Climate change is a major challenge, and at Rhinox, sustainability is our top priority. For us, this means using resources as efficiently as possible, whether it’s in energy use or material consumption.

Footprint and Handprint

At Rhinox Group, sustainability has two key aspects. First, we focus on minimizing our own resource use and improving efficiency in our processes (footprint). Second, we provide products and solutions that help our customers be more efficient and sustainable in their operations (handprint).

Our efforts revolve around five main areas: materials, waste, energy, emissions, and water. By reducing our footprint and enhancing our customers’ handprints, Rhinox is making a positive impact on global sustainability.

How Our Products Make an Impact

Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is a great step, but it’s not a complete solution on its own. To truly maximize savings and efficiency, you need to consider the entire heating system, including all its components. Upgrading individual parts of the system can be quick and cost-effective, often leading to significant energy savings and reduced CO2 emissions.

Energy-Saving & Recycled Products

Rhinox fittings and valves can save up to 15% in energy and reduce CO2 emissions. We manufacture these products using recycled stainless steel scrap, which makes them more energy-efficient and cost-effective while also lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

CO2 Optimized Products (Over Total Life Cycle)

At Rhinox, we’re committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our products. We carefully select materials to be as eco-friendly as possible and work to extend the lifespan of our products.

Using Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), we measure the CO2 emissions of our products throughout their life cycle. For instance, our stainless steel press fittings have a carbon footprint that is four times lower than traditional welded fittings on the market.

Health Benefits of Stainless Steel Grade

Rhinox stainless steel valves and fittings are perfect for medical, pharmaceutical, food preparation, and other sensitive environments due to their antimicrobial properties. Stainless steel 316L, used in our network designs, helps continuously kill harmful microbes, reducing the risk of infections. While stainless steel has long been valued for these qualities, recent rigorous global clinical trials have scientifically confirmed its effectiveness.
